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Est. 1994

Phone: 0407842311



Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Bathurst, Albury, Shepparton, Echuca, Newcastle, South Coast, Riverina, Illawarra, Central Coast & All regions in between.


At WGM Wedding Videographers, we believe that videography is the perfect way to capture the essence of your special day. Unlike photographs, it allows you to relive all the emotions and precious moments for years to come. With the help a professional videographer, you can create a beautiful and timeless keepsake that you'll cherish forever. Our main goal is to tap into the emotions of the day, where memories are created.


WGM Wedding Videographers have been providing professional wedding videography for over 30 years. We offer affordable packages with 6 options to fit your budget. As full-time videographers, we dedicate more time to you and have vast experience capturing over 2400 weddings. We believe communication is key and stay in touch with you until your wedding day. We are available anytime for questions or a chat. We are with you every of the way.


Our skilled professionals will help you capture every special moment of your wedding day with our expert videography services. From pre-ceremony preparations to the final dance we'll be there to ensure that every detail is captured for you to cherish forever. We use multiple cameras to capture every angle, to ensure the perfect Wedding Video is created just for you. Trust us to not miss a moment as we strongly believe YOUR MEMORIES DESERVE TO LIVE FOREVER

Multi Award Winning | WGM Wedding Videographers | Canberra
WGM Wedding Videographers Award 1
WGM Wedding Videographers Award 2
WGM Wedding Videographers 2010 Telstra Award
WGM Wedding Videographers 2012 Telstra Award
WGM Wedding Videographers 2014 Telstra Award
WGM Wedding Videographers Accolades Award
WGM Wedding Videographers AACTA Award
WGM Wedding Videographers 2017 Telstra Award
WGM Wedding Videographers 2018 Telstra Award
WGM Wedding Videographers 2019 Telstra Award
WGM Wedding Videographers Most Popular Award
WGM Wedding Videographers Award 4
WGM Wedding Videographers Award 3

Your Memories

Deserve To Live Forever


Our skilled professionals will help you capture every special moment of your wedding day with our expert videography services. From pre-ceremony preparations to the final dance we'll be there to ensure that every detail is captured for you to cherish forever.

Receive your Wedding Video within 30 days via a Digital Download, or purchase one of our special Gift Boxed USB's

Trust us to not miss a moment.


At WGM Wedding Videographers, we understand that travel expenses can impact your budget for videography services. That's why we offer a 300km Travel Fee Free Zone as part of our packages. We are flexible with this policy and a few kilometers outside the zone is not a problem. Our Free Travel Zone covers various regions in NSW, including Bathurst, Canberra, Wollongong, and Western Sydney. Let's discuss and find a fair arrangement that works for everyone.


We have a solution for you if your loved ones can't be present on your wedding day. Our professional multi-camera live streaming service allows those who can't attend to view your special event from the comfort of their home or office. We use the latest viewing platform and provide an easy "One Click Link" process on a dedicated cinema page on our website. We can also Live Stream your sporting or corporate presentations. Now everyone can enjoy your wedding day.


We are well known for our Discounts & Specials during the year.

For the Month of December 2024, you can book our Cinderella Package for any date in the future for only


Normally, the Cinderella Package would cost


This gives you a huge $200 Discount if you book your Cinderella Package before the

31st  December 2024.

Please Note.: Your booking can be for any date in the future

Our Cinderella Package

You Will Never Know the Value of a Moment until it Becomes a Memory

What Our Clients Say About Us

Alison Pateman 23.png

Alison Pateman

23rd June 2023

Neil was absolutely fantastic on the day. We received the highlight video 24 hours later and the feature video within a week. Having a videographer was something I agonised over,

was the expense justified, would we watch the videos etc... the answer, absolutely yes!

Thank you Neil and Patrick for your efforts on the day and after, you really have given us memories of a life time.

WGM Live Streaming Specialists




Let's Talk About

Live Streaming

Live streaming serves as a powerful tool for connecting people during weddings, events, and corporate conferences. It allows hosts to include guests who may not be able to attend in person due to budget constraints or distance. By offering a virtual option, you can ensure everyone can participate in the celebration or important discussions, creating a experience for all. Embrace the technology to broaden your reach and make your events accessible to a wider audience.

Your wedding day is a celebration of love, and everyone you care about deserves to be a part of it. If your budget doesn't allow for a large guest list, consider inviting friends and to join the festivities through Live Streaming. This way, they can share in the joy and magic of your special day, making them feel as if they are right there with you. Don’t compromise on the presence of your loved ones; let technology bring them closer to your heart.

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Welcome to WGM Video Productions, your go-to live stream specialists!

We offer everything from single camera setup to Multi-Camera live streams, ensuring every angle is covered. With our expertise and top-notch equipment, we provide a professional live streaming experience that will leave your guests and clients feeling like they're watching a television program. Let us bring your vision to life with our exceptional live streaming services!

Our Recent Weddings


WGM Wedding Videographers | Panorama House
WGM Wedding Videographers | Navarra Venues
WGM Wedding Videographers | Mecure Resorts
WGM Wedding Videographers | Rydges Hotels
WGM Wedding Videographers | Chateau Elan
WGM Wedding Videographers | Novotel Hotels
WGM Wedding Videographers | Ravensthorpe Wedding Venue
WGM Wedding Videographers | Ottimo House
WGM Wedding Videographers | Crowne Plaza
WGM Wedding Videographers | Tamburlaine Winery

Our Video Gallery

WGM Wedding Videographers | Amie & Luke Wedding Highlights
WGM Wedding Videographers | Courtney & Isaac Wedding Highlights
Erika & Cameron Wedding Highlights
WGM Wedding Videographers | Wagga | Krystal & Kaitlyn Wedding Highlights
WGM Wedding Videographers | Nicole & Jason Highlight Video | Wollongong
Brooke & Nigel Wedding Highlights
WGM Wedding Videographers | Heidi & Allistair Wedding Highlight Video
Enquiry Form
Canberra Wedding Videographers Enquiry Page

WGM Wedding Videographers

Canberra Wedding Videographers

Wagga Wagga Wedding Videographers

Canberra Live Streaming
Wagga Live Streaming
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